Category | Topics |
Welcome New Users!Welcome to the New Users section. Please take a minute to introduce your self to group.
RefitI realize there are several people who are currently under taking refits and thought it might be helpful to have a category dedicated just to refits.
TroubleshootingAh if only own boats were not just a routine exercise in maintenance and problem solving.
How ToI’ve realized that one of the challenges we face as a community is how to create knowledge base that we can then refer people to when they ask similar questions. How To’s will all be Wiki style posts that anyone can edit and will attempt to address some of the different ways you could solve a problem.
NYOA Site Content & IdeasWhat do YOU want to put on the site?
Nordic WikiI realize that there is a lot of knowledge that is super valuable and relevant to the community but doesn’t have an easily reference-able home. The objective of this category is provide a place where we can easily find and reference answers to common questions specific to these boats.
Site FeedbackWe can be whatever we want! Let’s talk about what that looks like. All ideas welcome!
MeetupLet’s use this category organize real life get togethers!