Disconnecting the Forestay to Get in the Travel Lift

He All,

Just wondering if and how people are disconnecting their forestay when getting in the travel lift. Every time i’ve hauled out I’ve had to disconnect the forestay while it’s being loaded and moved. I’m using the gib halyard connected to the toerail to pull the mast forward so I can disconnect but it’s still a pain in the ass and feels like there has to be a better way. :thinking: Any thoughts here appreciated. Going in the lift tomorrow! Hooray!

All the best,

Every time I’ve used a TravelLift To haul the boat I undo the backstay. As far as I know that’s the norm. Removing the backstay is a lot easier than the foil head stay. Take up on the running back stays, and take the main halyard to the transom, then start loosening the backstay. Quite straightforward.

We use a 40 ton travel lift and always reverse in. No need to disconnect the backstay but we did need to hinge our radar tower and wind turbine tower so they could be lowered easily.

Thanks guys! I think the reason we haven’t gone in backward in the past is due to the arch and the radar tower. Here’s a video ref from last time we hauled out.

Tom, this is Allaban showing the towers on the stern. You can see the hinges just above the solar panels. Your arch looks high but you may reduce enough vertical height by hinging the radar tower.

We have a radar pole on our stern that is about 13 feet tall and back into the travel lift after taking off the back stay after running a halyard aft just in case.

Anymore pictures you can share of your boat? We are outfitting or N44 for long term cruising and like to steal ideas. What kind of wind and is that on the rear? What size panels are on top of your Bimini?

1980 N44 #7

This is the other side.
Wind is an Ampair. Very quiet but only 100w. Not really big enough. Solar is 2 x 190w over bimini and 2 x 80w on side rails. I am looking at replacing the 190s for something slightly larger but will depend on the physical size of the new panels. We also have a 100a high power alternator on the motor so power generation is very good as-is.

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