Nordic 44 #003 Pacific NW

We are the third owners of Odyssey, previously Erotia and Blue Ecstasy. Now 40 years old, we are addressing build issues endemic with early hull numbers, a dazzling number of modifications and additions from the previous owner…AND, now some of our own changes have come forward as our tinkering started in 2013?!? The Nordic 44 found us…ah, me in 1987 while mothering my first pocket cruiser in a slip adjacent to a launch location where Nordics were launched and the standing and running rigging was installed. On the way home from the office I would stop and drool over the work completed that day by the riggers. As my day job was in industrial composites engineering, I had appreciation for the Nordvedts not having had a pound of composite below the waterline they didn’t like. We do know that Odyssey;s useful life will surpass our expiration dates!!

Diana and John
Currently lying Newport, OR waiting on weather for a passage to Hawaiian Islands.

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Hello Diane and John. I am a 44 owner with Diva on the East coast in the Chesapeake at Solomons Is, MD. FYI there is a Google group of 40/44 owners that has a large number of technical users questions. It is managed by Jeff Robbins. Try this link

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