NYOA Forum Principles - All Input Welcome!

Hey All,

Thanks for being part of the founding team. I love our little community and really appreciate all the wonderful participation from everyone so far.

Given that we’re brand new, we have the opportunity to agree on some of the principles that guide our behavior and participation here on the forum. This also serves as a good guide for newcomers as to what to expect.

I’ve started with a list of principles that feel like a good place to start but welcome everyone’s participation in defining these principles.

Here we go:

  • Participate in a thoughtful and constructive way.
  • Share based on your experiences not just your opinions
  • Let’s not be another platform for arguing
  • Respect difference of experience & opinion
  • Be kind and encouraging

What do you guys think? Is this helpful? Agree? Disagree? Something to add? All input welcome :smile_cat: